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· Lead halide perovskites, with high photoluminescence efficiency and narrow-band emission, are promising materials for display and lighting. However, the lead toxicity and environmental sensitivity hinder their potential applications. Herein, a new antimony-doped lead-free inorganic perovskites variant Cs2SnCl6:xSb is designed and
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· Figure 1 Crystal and magnetic structure of Mn(Bi, Sb) 2 Te 4.In the rhombohedral structure, three septuple blocks (each comprised of seven triangular layers corresponding to the formula unit) are close packed with ABC stacking. The A-type antiferromagnetic structure consists of ferromagnetic Mn layers with adjacent layers
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· Here, we investigate Sb 3+ as a dopant in a solution-grown metal halide double perovskite (DP) matrix, namely Cs 2 MInCl 6: x Sb (M = Na, K, x = 0-100%). Cs 2 KInCl 6 is found to crystallize in the tetragonal DP phase, unlike Cs 2 NaInCl 6 that adopts the traditional cubic DP structure. This structural difference results in distinct emission