Antwerp and diamonds are inseparable. Antwerp has been the capital of the world diamond trade for more than five centuries and is widely recognized as the leader in the industry today, in more ways than one. AWDC’s
What can we do for you. G7/EU Sanctions. G7 leaders and the EU committed in February, May and December 2023 to work collectively to reduce the revenue Russia uses to
Today, the diamond industry comprises 14% of Belgian export to non-EU countries. Antwerp controls over 85% of the world’s trade in rough diamonds and 50% of trade in polished diamonds. Each day, $220 million worth of diamonds are traded and physically handled, amounting to an amazing $47 billion annually (ten-year average).
13 · AWDC Security Office Miscellaneous Sponsorship Request Brilliant Benefits Doing Business in Antwerp: Contact List Starting a Business in Antwerp Jobs 2021 Date Type
ABOUT AWDC MISSION. A. ntwerp World Diamond Centre (AWDC) serves the collective interests of the Belgian diamond industry. The AWDC represents the entire diamond industry as a whole, irrespective of the scale of an actor’s activities or the size of the company. The AWDC strives to maintain and strengthen Antwerp ́s position as the most
AWDC is a Public, Private Cooperation, officially representing and coordinating the Antwerp diamond sector. Our mission is twofold: strengthening Antwerp’s position as the world’s
What we do. As the official representative of the diamond community, the entire AWDC Team is committed to boost business in the rough and polished diamond trade, as well
All Wheel Drive Club (AWDC) Public group. ·. 8.6K members. Join Group. A place for all the AWDC members and off road drivers to exchange ideas and interests.
AWDC offers free access to the Bureau Van Dijk database to all Belgian registered diamond traders. This enables diamond traders to gather more information about their clients and
Apr 19, 2024. Between January and June, 2019, the Antwerp World Diamond Center (AWDC) imported approximately 39.7 million carats of rough diamonds. The AWDC's rough diamond imports dropped by 20
Antwerp Diamond (AD) Events. ONLINE AML & Compliance Webinar: 26.06.24 'COMPLETE 1.5 HOURS FROM A-Z' (ENGLISH) 09:30 AM-11:00 AM- Certificate will
AWDC Security Office Miscellaneous Sponsorship Request Brilliant Benefits Doing Business in Antwerp: Contact List Starting a Business in Antwerp Jobs 2021 Date Type Title 12 / 2021 December 11 / 2021 November 10 / 2021 October 09 / 2021 September
AWDC staat niet alleen ten dienste van de Antwerpse diamantsector, maar treedt ook op als een tussenpersoon voor de diamantbedrijven en de Belgische gemeenschap, de overheden, de pers en alle andere stakeholders in de wereldwijde diamantindustrie.
4 The Global Diamond Industry 2021–22 Foreword Dear Colleagues: The past two years have been like riding a roller coaster! Following rocky conditions in 2020, the diamond industry proved to be brilliant and resilient, and delivered a spectacular showing in 2021.
Find out why Antwerp is the ideal location to sell rough diamonds , start up your own company, find out all there is to know on specific regulations and doing business in
Registered Diamond Companies. To facilitate companies to identify their clients under Anti-money laundering legislation 1, the Belgian Federal Public Service (FPS) Economy and AWDC developed an online tool to search for officially registered Belgian Diamond Companies by means of their registration number, (procured by FPS Economy 2),
AWDC REPORT TO SOCIETY 2014-2018 FINAL 23.67 MB Download Antwerp Diamond Fact Sheet 222.1 KB Download AWDC Annual Report 2017 12.34 MB Download AWDC Annual Report 2016 2.81 MB Download AWDC Annual Report 2015 2.06 MB 2. 7.
El AWD es un sistema que se encuentra conectado y actuando permanentemente, no es necesario la intervención del conductor para hacerlo funcionar. Los vehículos que cuentan con este sistema, transmiten la potencia al eje principal y la regulan, en función de si se detecta una pérdida de tracción o no, enviando menos potencia a aquellas ruedas con
AWDC is a Public, Private Cooperation, officially representing and coordinating the Antwerp diamond sector. Our mission is twofold: strengthening Antwerp’s position as the world’s
To clarify the role of AWDC in all of this, we have to go back to 2007. In October 1973, the AWDC was established as the Hoge Raad voor Diamant (HRD), or Diamond High Council, at the initiative of the Belgian government and diamond industry representatives. Its stated mission was to protect and promote the diamond sector in Belgium. It also had
All Wheel Drive Club. 5,401 likes · 55 talking about this. The All Wheel Drive Club is the UK's biggest all-makes off road motorsport club. Founded in
conveniently access and pay your AWDC invoices online, wherever you are. post jobs and find the perfect candidates with the integrated AD Jobs Tool. explore our Brilliant Benefits-exclusive discounts & advantages for the diamond industry. get 24/7 access to your trade fair admin, including important deadlines, badge application, hotel rates
The Global Diamond Report 2019 Page ii Note to readers Welcome to the ninth annual report on the global diamond industry, prepared by the Antwerp World Diamond Centre (AWDC) and Bain & Company. This year’s edition covers industry performance in 2018 and
Welcome to the Website of the Sydney All Wheel Drive Club (AWDC) Our club consists of individuals and families seeking to enjoy Australia’s great outdoors in their 4x4 vehicles. Most of our members live in the Northern
The Global Diamond Report 2020–21 Note to readers Welcome to the tenth annual report on the global diamond industry, prepared by the Antwerp World Diamond Centre (AWDC) and Bain & Company. This year’s edition covers industry performance in 2019, effects of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 and an update on consumer preferences and attitudes.
Antwerp World Diamond Centre | 12,925 followers on LinkedIn. Official representative of the Antwerp Diamond community | AWDC is a Public, Private Cooperation, officially representing and coordinating the Antwerp diamond sector. Our mission is twofold: strengthening Antwerp’s position as the world’s primary diamond trading centre and
The AWDC Webinars are a series of pragmatic, to-the-point webinars that deal with practical, tailor-made topics to increase the efficiency of your business. Topics range from COVID-19 supporting measures, new technologies, branding & social media, and much more! Go to our calendar to find all upcoming AWDC Webinars, stay tuned-in by
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