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During the processing in gang saws, the chunks of stone create slurry with the Kota stone solid to produce Kota stone slurry 13. Kota stone is a fine-grained waste having non-slipping surface and amorphous texture so it is also known as flaggy limestone 14 .Kota stone is available in many shades making it fit for the commercial and decorative
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KOTA STONE PRICE is dependent on the size, shape, quality and thickness. The price also depends on whether or not you are looking for a polished or rough cut finish. Kota stone price list is an important factor when considering a purchase. Suzuki Stone Slab & Tiles is one of the leading Manufacturers and Exporters of Kota Stone since 1998.
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The stone’s smooth, matte finish imparts an earthy, natural feel to the flooring, bringing a touch of elegance to the decor, kota stone flooring pattern as customer’s wish. Additionally, the thermal resistance property of this stone makes it suitable for areas experiencing high temperatures, as it remains relatively cooler than the surrounding environment.
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About Us. Established as a Proprietor firm in the year 2006, we “Omaxe Stone” are a leading Manufacturer of a wide range of Kota Stone, Kota Stone Slab, Red Mandana Stone, etc. Situated in Kota (Rajasthan, India), we have constructed a wide and well functional infrastructural unit that plays an important role in the growth of our company.
Since our inception, we are manufacturing and exporting Kota Stone,Red mandana Stone, Dholpur Stones, Mandana Stones,jaisalmer Stone & cobble stone. Apart from looks, these products have gained wide popularity amongst clients for their wide usage, large application, great strength, and guaranteed long life, all these features make these products a natural
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lightweight mix and causes collapse of the foam during mixing (Such and Seifert, 1999; Jones, 2000). 4.3 Kota stone slurry waste Kota stone is fine-grained variety of
Kota stone is one of the types of dimensional flaggy limestone which is available in eastern. Rajasthan of India at Chittor, Ramganj Mandi, Kota and Jhalawar district, with an annual.
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