If you use Linux: the path to the mysql.sock file is wrong. This is usually because you are using (LAMPP) XAMPP and it isn't in /tmp/mysql.sock Open the php.ini file and find this line: mysql.default_socket And make it mysql.default_socket = /path/to/mysql
62. In the linux terminal navigate to your lampp directory. cd /opt/lampp. In the command line type: sudo chmod 777 -R htdocs. The problem should be solved. What you just did was: Navigate to the directory containing the protected directory. Your problem was that it was a folder that was access protected by your system.
Convert from MySQL datetime to another format with PHP Hot Network Questions Blender 4.1 Geometry Proximity Part of the Target Mesh Coming close to Effector Mesh
If you don't want to mess with the code and just need it to work, you can always change php configuration and restart php-fpm (if this is a web app): /etc/php.d/my-new-file.ini: session.auto_start = 1 (This is correct for CentOS 8, adjust for your OS/packaging)
I am working on a laravel project. In this project, if a non-user tries to edit a post then it will redirect to the posts page without letting the user make any edit. But I am getting this
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